Argo ALIVE is a community driven and vision oriented approach to create an actionable set of development goals for the next 15 to 20 years of the city's future.
Argo is one of the fastest growing communities in the greater Birmingham area and growth and development in the city is expected to continue in the coming years. If left to its own devices, future growth could strain city services and endanger the character and functionality of the community. However, if properly planned for, growth and development has the potential to strengthen city services, amenities, and economic opportunities... ultimately benefiting everyone within the community.
We believe that comprehensive planning is a powerful force for good in our communities. In order to secure the long term viability and successful implementation of the plan's strategic recommendations, the city's plan will be developed around a robust public involvement campaign that puts the community of Argo at the center of the decision making process. It is critical that the comprehensive plan honors the values and goals of the people living in Argo, and as such, public input and participation will be the foundation of all development recommendations.
The planning process took place in four broad phases over the course of about 18 months and will be supplemented by a follow-up zoning ordinance development.
Phase 1 of the planning process included an analysis of they city's current trends and conditions as well as early stakeholder guidance.
Phase 2 included vision development through a public input campaign conducted through online surveys and public meetings.
Phase 3 consisted of opportunity development and compiling a draft plan that was reviewed and edited by additional public input.
Phase 4 covered the development of an implementation strategy for the draft plan as well as finalization and adoption of the plan.
Argo's strategic plan is the product of a partnership between the City of Argo, the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, and the planning consultancy team at Goodwyn Mills Cawood. The ultimate success of the plan will rely on a broad network of partners, stakeholders, and interested parties coming together to make it a reality. Apart from institutional leadership, YOU, the citizens of Argo, are the most important accountability partners in the implementation of the strategic plan.